Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday Poem: Tuesday Poem

It's the Tuesday Poem's third birthday. And to celebrate the occasion poets entered a line. so I'd like to thank these lovely poets -Michelle Elvy, TP Hub sub-editor, with Mary McCallum and Claire Beynon for the fantastic job they made of using poet's lines to form mini poems of birthday delight.

So why not go to the Tuesday Poem blog and check it out?

Watch out for my line, it has an explosion!

And why not?

As for the rest of my activities, I'm helping edit and typeset "Lost in the Museum," so gotta run, so much more to do - working on the back blurb...

"Get lost in a museum where past, present and future collide....

And have a great birthday! (Or unbirthday if you prefer.)

A.J. Ponder

PS please excuse all the font issues. Will try and sort another day.


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